Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Is it Ever Ridiculous to Say "Pray for Me"?

Yesterday wasn't a day exactly like any other.  It was my 6-month checkup and cleaning at the dentist.  Knowing that this was coming up, I had been stressed and anxious for the week prior.  To many people, that would seem silly; but for me, it is normal life.  As a child I had a bad incident with a dentist, and from there it just seemed I had several less-than-positive events with different dental professionals.  So it would almost be expected that by the time I was a teenager, going to get anything done with my teeth brought on major stress.  Now I'm in my late-40's, and it seems almost silly that I should get anxious at all over a simple cleaning trip to the dentist.  After all, I've given birth to babies, had numerous surgeries, traveled alone overseas, survived divorce, watched my kids grow up and leave the nest {I know, that shouldn't be so traumatic, but believe me - that can be pretty tough on a mama!}... so a little visit to the dentist should be a piece of cake!  SHOULD be... but it just isn't, not quite yet.  No doubt, it probably doesn't help that I'm in a new town with a fairly new dentist (new to me, definitely not new to the field of dentistry... I'm NOT that brave!) AND I did have the BEST dentist ever before moving.  In fact, before we moved, it was among the other important factors we had to consider in making the decision to move. You know, the important things you think about: who's going to do my hair and nails?  Who will be my dentist?  Those things were almost deal-breakers with the whole idea of moving to the beach!  But seriously, the ocean was calling me... and it made me feel brave at the time.  

Well, I didn't feel so brave yesterday morning when I woke up.  I had gone to sleep the night before with it on my mind, and it was the first thought on my mind when I woke up:  "TODAY I have to go to the dentist."  I was full of nothing but dread and angst.  So the best way to handle that was to ask some people close to me to please pray!  YES - I did ask for prayer over going to the dentist.  Not for some major dental work or life-threatening surgery, but for a simple checkup and cleaning.  And I don't feel silly... not one bit

There are so many things going on in the world around us...chaos all over the world.  It's scary to even turn on the news, and I avoid it as much as possible, choosing to read the news where I can control when and how much I take in from all the bad in this world.  And those huge things seem like they should be what we are praying about - and I am praying.  A lot of people are continually praying about those issues.  But that doesn't take away the smaller things in our lives.  The things that we sometimes start to feel almost embarrassed bringing up because surely in the scheme of things they are insignificant... things like anxiety over going to the dentistGod is a big God... and He loves me. He cares when something makes me feel afraid or nervous... and He wants me to share everything with Him.  It's a relationship that we have going on.  He doesn't want me just speaking to Him in the big things... He also wants me to share the small things.  

 "Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows."

~Luke 12:7

This world is sometimes a frightening place.  And it's expected and more easily accepted that the big things will cause us to feel afraid, just as we have going on all around us right now in the world.  But don't allow the enemy to convince you that those smaller things in your own personal life aren't just as important to God.  To Him, none of it is small when it affects His child.  

NOTE: By the way, I got through the dentist appointment.  And it went smoothly.  Was there a great move from God to keep me from some great dental disaster?  I doubt it... that wasn't the point of my fear.  But I felt calm, and my mind could be on the things it needed to be rather than full of fear or worry.   

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Seeing the World through The Golden Griddle

Saturday mornings are my favorite.  Almost every Saturday, my husband and I get up and head to our favorite breakfast place here at the beach.  In this last year since moving to the beach we have settled into that regular routine.  But more than that, we have developed friendships in some of the places that we frequent.  Our breakfast spot is definitely one of those places we frequent - a LOT!   
Family breakfast with everyone was in town!

Of course, this being the beach {and this being Summer}, there are long lines; there are lots of people.  And Saturday is always busy because it's "Check-Out" day at most of the hotels, motels and condos... so people are packed up, checked out and grabbing breakfast one last time before they travel home.  As we sit in our booth drinking coffee and chatting with one of our many favorite waitresses, I also find that I'm always observing the other people.  Watching the interaction between families and friends, between parents and their small children, and very often between a couple sitting alone.  In my active imagination I consider all of the scenarios that may be going on in their lives.  I watch the large family groups, and often watch the friendly banter over who gets the check; I witness lots of snuggles between grandmas and their grandkids; and I empathize with the parents who have small children and look exhausted - and if they are with family, they just look happy to have someone helping with the kids while they drink their coffee in a small moment of peace; I see the lone couple, and wonder if they have kids, if they are enjoying a weekend away, or if maybe their kids have grown and moved on. Observing people is one of my favorite things.  It's not the same as "people watching" at the mall, but rather it's drinking in life.  Seeing how different people and families really are... yet in so many ways, how similar.  

Mimi & Bailey at breakfast
Then there are those who work at the restaurant.  This particular place is our favorite.  It's a family restaurant, and the people who work there seem to have been there for many years.  If they weren't family by blood or marriage, they have become family through the many years they've spent together.  And in the last year, we have been adopted into their lives. Now we are on first-name basis, and I scoot over in the booth to allow someone to sit and chat for a little while when they have a break for a moment.

Most often we get different waitresses each time we visit, and just when I think one is my favorite, another one will take the lead spot.  {I guess I have room for many favorites in my heart.}  But there are a few who have nestled in a little closer.  I learn a lot in the interaction with them... and my life is better from getting to know them.  This morning it was one of the waitresses who wasn't waiting on us that hit my heart in a special way.  

She's a sweet girl, and has waited on us many times.  Occasionally I will see her when I'm out running errands or getting my nails done.  She's always just a sweetheart.  I have enjoyed getting to know her over the last year, hearing about her young children and seeing how much she loves them.  She's a hard worker, and very humble... just listening to her talk about her life, it's obvious that she will do whatever is necessary to take care of her family.  She never complains... never once. The past week or so I have felt she looks as if the weight of the world is on her, so this morning I asked her how things were going for her, and mentioned that she looked tired.  She seemed surprised that I would notice that, and responded, "Why, Yes, I am really very tired!"  She went on to explain that her kids had been gone for the past two weeks {split families are such a tough thing!} - and her way to deal with how much she missed them was to work as many extra shifts as possible.  It was an opportunity to put away a little extra money while the kids are gone so that she can spend as much time as possible with them when they are home.  As she was explaining this, it was clear that she was choking back the tears from missing her children.  And I will be so happy for her when they are back, safely in her arms.
He's come to love our breakfasts out! {seriously, this hasn't always been his favorite thing at all!}

As we left the restaurant, said Goodbyes, see-you-laters, and exchanged a few hugs, we then made our way through the many people waiting outside for their name to be called.  We walked to our golfcart to head home, and as we were driving down Main Street, I found myself thinking about how great this life is... what a gift it is to really SEE the people who are in our world, and about how much more there is to still learn about life and about people.  
God gives us so many opportunities to feed into the life of someone else.  Even if it just seems like a kind word, a smile, a sincere "how are you?" that also includes a pause to let them answer... it's important. It's a tough world, and it appears that it's only going to get tougher.  But what an honor it is to live this life and grab the opportunities to invest in those around us.  Never waste that chance, and never take that for granted.