This is the age of honesty. Times where everyone has an opinion, and throws them around like ping pong balls - usually with no thoughts of the possibility of hitting someone else right between the eyes. I am a very opinionated person. Actually, I was born with many opinions, and have been screaming them at whomever would listen for about 48 years now! As I look back over the years, I can see where some of those opinions have changed along the way... whether it was from experience, education, maturity... whatever the reason, opinions are just not set in stone. So it's a little trickier when it comes to discussing my beliefs with someone... because for me, that is no longer about my opinion. It is about Truth. Whether it is about sexual immorality {homosexuality, premarital sex, extramarital sex... whatever immorality it may fall under}, abortion, or stealing {yep, that can include cheating on taxes, not pointing out a mistake on a charge, or flat-out robbing a bank!} -- I firmly believe that Truth sets things in Black or White.
The hot debate that no one can escape in the daily news is the issue of homosexuality, and even further the issue of same-sex marriage. To me, there's nothing that gives me a right to have an opinion. There is simply what I know to be true from the scriptures, and that is where I firmly plant my feet. Yes, I do have people whom I love dearly who are homosexual, or who may not be homosexual but are in full support of everyone having the right to get married. I've even lost "friends" {that's often a painfully loose term when used to describe some relationships on facebook or other forms of social networking, huh?!} over my beliefs. But turn the coin over, and those same people would be flabbergasted if I "unfriended" them or attacked them over their own beliefs or opinions.
Today I read an article about a Christian music group who has taken the stance in support of same-sex marriage(read more here), stating that they don't see where there's a problem or how it's wrong or hurting anyone. It kind of broke my heart when I first read it. And then it made me angry. Not so much at them, but at the enemy of this world. Right before our eyes we see these issues turning families against one another, breaking up lifelong friendships, causing strife in nations. But even many who claim to be Christians can't see what is going on in front of their face. Yes, we are called to love as Jesus Christ loves us. We can certainly love others without standing in agreement to their beliefs when they go against ours. I can never forget that we are also warned to not conform to the world. (Romans 12:2, 1 John 2:15) That's not about judging anyone else, it's about recognizing what God calls sin, and standing against it.
Some things won't change. My opinions on my favorite foods, or favorite nail polish, or even what kind of car I like to drive... those will certainly change as things evolve, as I continue to grow and expand my mind and likes/dislikes. But Truth will always remain the same. And for those friends of mine who believe differently, this is what I would like to say: I don't sit in judgment of you or anyone. I don't think I'm better or feel sorry for anyone who's not like me. I'm simply a sinner saved by Grace. I would never ever want to offend anyone who has different beliefs than me, whether that's a friend or a stranger. If you stand so firmly on what you believe in, then it shouldn't really matter to you that I don't believe that same way... and if it does bother you, maybe that should be investigated. I will continue to love my friends or family regardless of whether they agree with my beliefs, but I won't adjust my beliefs to fit someone elses lifestyle choices. And for that I cannot apologize.
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